All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 Class Page!

Year 1 learn together in a play based environment that provides the perfect stepping stone from Reception. We have a lovely classroom that is well resourced and offers a safe, exciting and inspiring learning environment. Our classroom is arranged to encourage the children to access resources, working walls and sound mats independently to scaffold and support their own learning. The children learn in a supportive but challenging environment enabling them to work both collaboratively and independently. We encourage Year 1 to learn from their mistakes and develop the skills to persevere even when finding a topic challenging. In Year 1 we encourage the children to use the skills and knowledge acquired from teaching inputs and apply these independently to learning tasks to begin to take responsibility for their own learning.

We love reading and read every chance we get; the classroom reflects this with a variety of books linked to each term’s topic. We are creative thinkers, confident speakers, compassionate friends and imaginative problem solvers!

Please find the attached letters and curriculum map to find out what we are learning about at the moment.

To find out more about Year 1 Class and what we have been getting up to please take a look below:

Miss Flower, Mrs Hobbs, Mrs Lockwood

Year 1 Autumn 2 Week 1

November 9, 2021

Year 1 21st October 2021

October 21, 2021

This morning the rain was so very heavy that we moved our Welly Day inside. The children created a pumpkin for Mr Arter as a Halloween surprise, using nails to create holes for light to shine through.  We tested it in the dark cupboard and it made beautiful patterns. They also finished off an enormous … Read more

Year 1 enjoyed their trip to the Norwich Cathedral

October 15, 2021

On their trip Year 1 visited Dippy on Tour finding out lots of interesting facts. We then explored the Cathedral and sat down to complete some drawings of Dippy and the grounds.

Creative thinking during Year 1 Welly Day

October 8, 2021

Mrs Cairns was so grateful to have such creative minds with her on Thursday when she ‘forgot’ both the paint and the paintbrushes for their Welly Session.  Luckily the children put their thinking caps on and designed and made not only the paint but also the brushes!  Fabulous work Year 1!

Year 1 September 2021

September 17, 2021

Year 1 Autumn 1 Curriculum map

September 15, 2021

Year 1 Autumn Introduction Letter September 2021

August 27, 2021

Year 1 Sports Day

July 14, 2021

The children competed in their own ‘bubble sports day’ with various events from long jump and shot put to relay racing. Everyone in Year 1 took part showing fantastic sportsmanship to their friends and peers. Please enjoy a few short videos and pictures.

Year 1 Weavers

June 11, 2021

Mrs Budgett and Year 4 were really impressed by some of the Year 1 boys coming across the corridor to show us their first attempt at weaving. The boys were given a big clap by us all, we loved seeing what they had achieved. 

Year 1 Moon Buggies

May 13, 2021

During this half term Year 1 have designed and created their own moon buggies. They have worked independently to include key feature of a moon buggy that they found in their research.