All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 5

Welcome to Mrs Budgett's Year 5 class page. We are a class of 27 children. Along with Mrs Budgett, we work with two teaching assistants, Mrs Woodcock and Mrs Elliott. In our classroom our favourite area is the relaxing Calm Corner where we can read one of our many fabulous books, complete a puzzle, have time for Spirituality, say or write a prayer/ message to someone or just use a space for group work.

We work in mixed ability groups so that we can help and support each other with our learning. We are encouraged to set an example to our younger children by being helpful, kind and demonstrating our six school values at every opportunity.


Year 5 Spring Week 4

February 1, 2022

Here are the highlights of the week: Maths: This week we learnt about square numbers, cubed numbers, multiples and factors. PE: We played kabaddi!!! It’s so fun! English: We have started writing… our own versions of War of the Worlds. Everyone’s stories look amazing! Birthday alert! Happy Birthday Mrs Lawrence – Happy Birthday to you! … Read more


January 27, 2022

Year 5 Spring Week 3

January 25, 2022

Hello. Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Here are the highlights of the week in Year 5. In PE we learnt how to do a version of the Haka and did our last river crossing session before moving onto a game called kabaddi. In English we finished War of the Worlds (I won’t talk about … Read more

Year 5 Spring Week 2

January 18, 2022

This week was so fun! We made it across the “river” in river-crossing in PE. We’ve been learning about tenths and hundredths in Maths and hearing more and more of our exciting book, War of the Worlds, in English. In Art we drew Ancient Greek vases. Congratulations Blue House for getting the most house points … Read more

Year 5 Spring 1 Curriculum Newsletter

January 13, 2022

Year 5 Spring Week 1

January 11, 2022

We are all so excited to be back and learning. Luckily, COVID-19 hasn’t stopped us from coming back this year. We have been learning about negative numbers and tenths in Maths. We are reading War of the Worlds in English – this is a sci-fi book written in 1901 by HG Wells. We also learnt … Read more

Design Technology in Year Five

December 17, 2021

This term, Year Five have been designing and making boats. The boats needed to float and also had to include an elastic band mechanism to power them through the water. Throughout the making process, the children tested their boats to see how well they worked (some didn’t work very well at first!) The children continuously … Read more

KS2 Christmas Carol Service

December 17, 2021

It was so lovely to be back in All Saints Church for our carol service. Mrs Budgett had worked hard with the choir so that they sang the descants beautifully. Year 6 read the Christmas story with confidence into the microphone and, for some, that meant overcoming some nerves and fear. They read clearly and … Read more

Merry Christmas from Year 5

December 15, 2021

Year 5 Festive Activities

December 13, 2021

This week was full of fun, festive activities. We did a paper spinner experiment in Science and it looked like it was snowing! We also decorated the classroom by adding paper snowflakes we made and a chocolate advent calendar. Adding to the festivities, we did a shapes lesson and made 3D presents. It has really … Read more