All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 5

Welcome to Mrs Budgett's Year 5 class page. We are a class of 27 children. Along with Mrs Budgett, we work with two teaching assistants, Mrs Woodcock and Mrs Elliott. In our classroom our favourite area is the relaxing Calm Corner where we can read one of our many fabulous books, complete a puzzle, have time for Spirituality, say or write a prayer/ message to someone or just use a space for group work.

We work in mixed ability groups so that we can help and support each other with our learning. We are encouraged to set an example to our younger children by being helpful, kind and demonstrating our six school values at every opportunity.


Year 5 Week 3

September 27, 2021

This week we did a wellbeing activity where we all had 3 pieces of paper and we had to write a random act of kindness on all of them. Then we folded them up and put them in a box. We then pick one out, do the act of kindness, then put it in the … Read more

Year 5 Welly Day – Week 2

September 24, 2021

This week in Welly Day we did some woodwork and it was very fun to be able to use hammers and nails to make wooden creations. An acorn run and a seating area was also made. For English we had an Experience lesson where Mr Good brought in his pet rabbit and he was so … Read more

Year Five Science

September 17, 2021

This morning the whole Year Five class became investigative scientists, carefully dissecting and exploring the different parts of a flower. We learned about the important role a flower plays in the reproduction cycle of a flowering plant. The children showed super investigation skills and were confident at explaining what they had found out. Great Science … Read more

Year Five Art

September 17, 2021

In art, Year Five are currently learning about the work of William Morris. Today we took inspiration from a range of natural materials. We had great fun creating our own designs using different parts of the plants, such as: textured stems, leaves, flowers and seeds. It was a peaceful end to a busy week and … Read more

Y5 Curriculum Letter 1 Autumn 1st half

September 10, 2021

First Week Back

September 10, 2021

Year 5 have had a tremendous first week back at school and have all settled into their new class well. A real highlight was Welly Day on Wednesday. The children seem to love outdoor learning and their time in the woods. They worked brilliantly and thoughtfully with each other. Well done Year 5!

Year Five Cricket

June 21, 2021

This afternoon, Year Five had their third cricket session with our visiting county coach- Lewis. After an energetic warm up, we practised our throwing and catching skills. One of our challenges was to catch the ball with only one hand, which was not as easy as our usual two hand method! Another challenge was to … Read more

International Yoga Day

June 21, 2021

Year Five took a few moments to be mindful and celebrate ‘International Yoga Day’ this morning. We discussed how we can use yoga to help our wellbeing. We then completed a few rounds of a sequence called Sun Salutation’, which combines several different yoga poses.

Design Technology in Year 5

June 19, 2021

In DT, Year Five are making toys or games which include a moving cam mechanism. Last week we made the frames for our moving toys, cutting wood and learning how to create strong joins. This week we have moved on to adding the moving cam mechanism. Lots of thinking and problem solving skills were needed, … Read more

Y5 Curriculum Letter Summer 2

June 13, 2021