All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 5

Welcome to Mrs Budgett's Year 5 class page. We are a class of 27 children. Along with Mrs Budgett, we work with two teaching assistants, Mrs Woodcock and Mrs Elliott. In our classroom our favourite area is the relaxing Calm Corner where we can read one of our many fabulous books, complete a puzzle, have time for Spirituality, say or write a prayer/ message to someone or just use a space for group work.

We work in mixed ability groups so that we can help and support each other with our learning. We are encouraged to set an example to our younger children by being helpful, kind and demonstrating our six school values at every opportunity.


Year 5 have enjoyed taking part in real PE

May 12, 2021

They have been playing throw tennis and working on their key skills of controlling the ball by working on a series of skills challenges.

Year 5 – Rosa Parks

May 12, 2021

Year 5 have been looking at Rosa Parks and how her simple action of refusing to move seats brought about the bus boycott in 1955 which eventually lead to the end of segregation laws in America. 

Y5 Curriculum Letter Summer 1

April 15, 2021

Day of Calm in Year Five!

March 12, 2021

The Year Five’s have been fortunate to have a ‘mindfulness’ workshop with Suzi, this afternoon. Suzi showed us techniques to help us with our inner calm, including rainbow breathing, finger breathing and some amazing Tai Chi moves (which required lots of serious concentration)! The superhero pose caused much hilarity, but taught us to stand firm … Read more

Year 5 Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter

February 25, 2021

Norfolk Music Hub

February 11, 2021

The Norfolk Music Hub who provide our instrumental lessons in our schools, are offering a great range of activities for children during February half term. Take a look! All the sessions are free, you just need to sign up your children using the link below. Happy Music Making! Mrs Budgett

5 Ways to Wellbeing

February 3, 2021

Mental Health Week

February 1, 2021

Children’s Mental Health Week – 1st-7th February

January 28, 2021

A message of resilience and kindness from Richard Whitehead MBE

January 27, 2021