All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 5

Welcome to Mrs Budgett's Year 5 class page. We are a class of 27 children. Along with Mrs Budgett, we work with two teaching assistants, Mrs Woodcock and Mrs Elliott. In our classroom our favourite area is the relaxing Calm Corner where we can read one of our many fabulous books, complete a puzzle, have time for Spirituality, say or write a prayer/ message to someone or just use a space for group work.

We work in mixed ability groups so that we can help and support each other with our learning. We are encouraged to set an example to our younger children by being helpful, kind and demonstrating our six school values at every opportunity.


Remembrance Service 2023

November 10, 2023

It was proud day for All Saints as the whole school held their Remembrance Service in All Saints Church, Stibbard and then at The War Memorial. Year 5 and 6 led the service with Noah taking the lead. We had poems and prayers as well as a song. We were very grateful to Rev Sally … Read more

All Saints website Poppy Appeal

November 6, 2023

Year 6 will be in charge of the Poppy Appeal this week, they will be standing by the year 6 classroom at the start of school and during break time.  Can we please suggest a minimum donation of 50p for the snap bands, keyrings, bands and anything else in the box? The poppies can be … Read more

Friday at Kingswood

October 14, 2023

We are now all safely home. Our last day comprised of two activities before we had lunch. One of the activities was Bushcraft – Lighting a fire. The children showed great patience using a flint to light their fires. We also had groups abseiling as well as some experiencing the night line activity where the … Read more

Thursday at Kingswood

October 13, 2023

We have had a full on day with so many activities. The children have enjoyed building a shelter, puzzle games, abseiling, night line and a huge camp fire this evening. They have worked well together, encouraged one another and many have really impressed us with their determination to overcome fears. There will be more photos … Read more

Kingswood Residential year 5/6 children

October 11, 2023

We have arrived and already completed our first activities. All the children are happy and a little wet due to the continuous rain! Despite the weather we have been very active outside. The children have enjoyed either experiencing the climbing wall, aero ball or taking part in problem solving activities. We had a lovely dinner … Read more

A Little Catch Up

September 28, 2023

Year 5/6 CB have really settled and found their feet this year. I am so pleased with their attitude to learning and how they are adjusting to being a mixed aged class.  They are showing Compassion towards one another and to those around the school. Today in our DT lesson where we are sewing (normally … Read more

Year 5/6 CB Autumn Curriculum Newsletter

September 13, 2023

Year 5 Science Visit to Fakenham High

July 17, 2023

Recently the Year 5s visited Fakenham High School to learn how to use a bunsen burner. They had a great time, making scientific observations as well as learn fire safety. (Noah – Y5 School Parliament)

Year 5 Art – Fashion Design

June 29, 2023

In Art we used plastic mannequins and then cut out different fabrics to design some clothes. Then using PVA glue we stuck the clothes on the mannequins and we added detail using string and strips. We were inspired by Alice Fox, a fashion designer from Norwich, who designed a line of clothing inspired by the … Read more

More Science challenges in Year Five!

June 19, 2023

This week our science challenge was to use everything we have learned this half term to help us separate a mixture of sand, salt, rice and paper clips. It wasn’t as easy as it sounds! The children worked in teams to plan and solve the problem. They had to use the scientific equipment and were … Read more