All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to Mr Watson’s Year 6 class. We have a spacious classroom which we help to keep organised and we can break out into smaller groups whenever we need to. This is a year of opportunities and greater responsibility as you act as role models for the younger children in the school. We enjoy being play leaders on the playground at lunch times and getting to set up the hall for assemblies and special occasions. We have a wonderful calm corner, filled with bookcases full of beautiful and engaging stories written for all children and their varying interests.

For the Year 6s this is their last year at All Saints Stibbard and we are looking forward to what the future brings. Although there are some nerves about SATs, we understand that we just need to persevere and try our hardest.

Year 6 Mind-blowing Internet!

February 28, 2022

Year 6 learned how the internet works by playing a game to illustrate how information is sent via packets down fibre optic cables which criss cross on the bottom of our oceans. Many found it amazing! 

Year 6 Spring 2 Curriculum Map

February 23, 2022

Year 6 Cricket

February 12, 2022

Last Tuesday, we were fortunate to have Pete return to coach the children, from Norfolk County Cricket.  There were some excellent catches and rather hard hits. An enjoyable afternoon all round. Thanks to Mr Whitney for organising it. 

Year 6 Powerful Persuasion

February 12, 2022

Year 6 have been learning about the dangers of plastic pollution and how to use powerful emotive language in persuasion. I was impressed by their interest in this subject  and how much they have learned. Here are a few of their persuasive speeches. Super job Year 6!

Year 6 Singing group with Mr V

February 7, 2022

We are so lucky at All Saints to have Rev Varnon. Mr V, as we call him, comes in to support Year 6 every Monday. At lunchtimes he has a small singing group who sing folk type songs. Today Mrs Budgett was invited to listen, they really are great! Well done everyone, we need a … Read more

Year 6 Mini Monsters

February 4, 2022

Year 6 showed a medley of emotions today when meeting Ed’s pets: Barry and Frank, the African Land Snails; Mildred the African millipede; Salsa the milksnake; Winston the Bearded Dragon and Trudie the Tarantula. Some children showed courage, others were rather timid as seen by their facial expressions. Thanks goes to Mr Whitney for organising a … Read more

Year 6 Kabadi

January 30, 2022

The object of this game is to try to steal tags from the opposing team and get them back in your own half without having one of your belts stolen. The team who has stolen the most belts wins. This is an energetic game as it involves being quick and nimble on your feet, dodging … Read more

Year 6 Perilous Plastic

January 30, 2022

Year 6 have been learning about sustainability in Geography and the dangers of plastic pollution to marine life in our oceans. In English we are learning about persuasive texts and the use of emotive language and imagery to persuade. We looked at images of a Boaconstrictor strangling its prey and used this to write metaphorically of … Read more


January 27, 2022

Year 6 Book Reviews

January 21, 2022

We have just completed reading the gripping and action packed book -The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad by Saviour Pirotta. In response the children wrote book reviews. Clearly this book engaged the class so I recommend they look out for other titles by this author to read for themselves.