All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to Mr Watson’s Year 6 class. We have a spacious classroom which we help to keep organised and we can break out into smaller groups whenever we need to. This is a year of opportunities and greater responsibility as you act as role models for the younger children in the school. We enjoy being play leaders on the playground at lunch times and getting to set up the hall for assemblies and special occasions. We have a wonderful calm corner, filled with bookcases full of beautiful and engaging stories written for all children and their varying interests.

For the Year 6s this is their last year at All Saints Stibbard and we are looking forward to what the future brings. Although there are some nerves about SATs, we understand that we just need to persevere and try our hardest.

We will Remember

November 11, 2021

Year 6 lead our Remembrance Assembly reciting the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’, explaining why we have Remembrance Services and then praying for peace for our world. They spoke clearly and with confidence. Well done Year 6! 

Year 6 Autumn 2 Curriculum Map

November 4, 2021

Y6 Think about Eternity

October 22, 2021

We have just completed our RE unit considering the enquiry question ‘what is eternity?’ We looked at what different groups of people thought about the afterlife and how they could get there. The children created a double page spread to show what they had learned. The children were very interested in what the different religious … Read more

Sewing Skills

October 21, 2021

Our Design Technology this term is to design and make a phone sock. We thought about all the different people and places that use sewing and then we practised sewing a needle, various stitches like running, cross and over stitch and sewing on a button. The photos show the concentration that was required for such … Read more

Year 6 Get Poetic

October 16, 2021

We have been enjoying the poems by Joshua Seigal. Following Joshua’s poem ‘I Don’t Like Poetry’ as a model, the children wrote their own poems. The whole class did well but these particular children made huge effort and I was so proud of them. 

Hovering Hogs Harass Helpless Village

October 16, 2021

Year 6 really enjoyed the wordless picture book Tuesday by David Weisner. Flying frogs on lily pads leave their pond one Tuesday evening and venture into town for a night of adventure. Police investigate the evidence the next morning. The story ends the following Tuesday with a picture of a barn where pigs are flying. The children … Read more

Year 6 Trip to see Dippy

October 12, 2021

It was lovely to take the children on the trip to Norwich today. We walked along the river and talked about how it was used in the past and how it is used today. We looked at the features of the old houses in the cathedral grounds and imagined what life was like in the … Read more

Happy Music Making in Year Six

October 9, 2021

Year Six have been learning about the song ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams. It is a feelgood pop song with a soul influence, which encourages the listener to clap along and see the ‘happy’ side of life- even when things aren’t always going our way! During this unit of work, we have asked ourselves what makes … Read more

Year 6 Balancing Acts

October 8, 2021

Year 6 practised their throwing and catching skills whilst balancing on an upturned bench. To challenge themselves further they did it one handed.

Year 6 Mixed Media Art

October 7, 2021

Year 6 completed their mixed media pictures this week inspired by South African artist Peter Clarke. They look bright and bold hanging up in our classroom.