All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to Mr Watson’s Year 6 class. We have a spacious classroom which we help to keep organised and we can break out into smaller groups whenever we need to. This is a year of opportunities and greater responsibility as you act as role models for the younger children in the school. We enjoy being play leaders on the playground at lunch times and getting to set up the hall for assemblies and special occasions. We have a wonderful calm corner, filled with bookcases full of beautiful and engaging stories written for all children and their varying interests.

For the Year 6s this is their last year at All Saints Stibbard and we are looking forward to what the future brings. Although there are some nerves about SATs, we understand that we just need to persevere and try our hardest.

Year 6 ‘This is Me’ Challenge

February 5, 2021

Zeus, together with his mum, responded to the This Is Me Challenge and wrote a poem. Mum wrote ‘It really opened up lots of conversations about the things that happened when Zeus was a baby and how that relates to him now. He wanted to insert a picture of himself too’. I have permission to share it … Read more

5 Ways to Wellbeing

February 3, 2021

Mental Health Week

February 1, 2021

Year 6: Culinary Creations

January 28, 2021

We have some budding chefs in Year 6. They made Iraqi Flatbread, choosing an easier or a more challenging recipe. There were thumbs up on the zoom call when asked if they enjoyed eating it!

Year 6 Wellbeing Wednesday

January 28, 2021

Here are some photos of the children in the year 6 bubble doing some Andy Goldworthy art and a scavenger hunt. There is also a photo of a child at home with his Journey stick when he walked round the park. 

Children’s Mental Health Week – 1st-7th February

January 28, 2021

A message of resilience and kindness from Richard Whitehead MBE

January 27, 2021

Stories Inspired by the book The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad

January 22, 2021

We have finished reading our book this week and Year 6 have written book reviews and stories inspired by this story set in the Islamic Golden Age. Here are a selection of their stories. I am very impressed with the way they have reflected their learning about Baghdad in History into their stories. Well done Year … Read more

Year 6 Book Reviews

January 19, 2021

Year 6 have just finished reading The Golden Horsemen of Baghdad. They have written super book reviews to practice their summarising and persuasive writing skills. Here are a few of them.

Spring Term Homework

January 18, 2021