All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to Mr Watson’s Year 6 class. We have a spacious classroom which we help to keep organised and we can break out into smaller groups whenever we need to. This is a year of opportunities and greater responsibility as you act as role models for the younger children in the school. We enjoy being play leaders on the playground at lunch times and getting to set up the hall for assemblies and special occasions. We have a wonderful calm corner, filled with bookcases full of beautiful and engaging stories written for all children and their varying interests.

For the Year 6s this is their last year at All Saints Stibbard and we are looking forward to what the future brings. Although there are some nerves about SATs, we understand that we just need to persevere and try our hardest.

Year 6 Are Residentials good for children?

June 9, 2023

Year 6 have been reflecting on the benefits of residentials  and considering the reasons that some have against it. They wrote a balanced argument on the subject.

Year 6 Walsingham Pilgrimage

June 9, 2023

Yesterday Clare from Norwich Cathedral visited to teach the children about the Walsingham pilgrimage. The children sorted pictures of places into whether they were special or holy, ranked in order the reasons why Christians make a pilgrimage and they looked at objects that the pilgrim hundreds of years ago might have taken on their journey. … Read more

Year 6 Instructional Writing

June 6, 2023

Year 6 wrote instructions for some of the activities we participated in during the Horstead Residential.

Year 6 Letters of Thanks

June 6, 2023

Year 6 wrote letters to the staff at Horstead to express their thanks for the great week they enjoyed. 

Year 6 Ball Skills

June 5, 2023

Year 6 practised sending and receiving both footballs and tennis balls with a partner using hands and feet. The real challenges came when they had to send and receive tennis balls using their hands whilst doing the same with a football using their feet. There were balls going everywhere!

Horstead Residential Day 5

June 1, 2023

The sun shone brightly on our last morning’s activities.  The instructors complimented the children on their politeness and good behaviour and said that they really enjoyed our children’s company. This made us very proud of them. It was a joy and a privilege taking them away for a week and witnessing some  children overcoming homesickness … Read more

Horstead Residential : Movie Night

May 26, 2023

Film and pop corn. Fabulous for tired children and to end our week.

Horstead Residential Day 4

May 25, 2023

The children have had a fun day and they challenged themselves in archery, crate stacking, raft building and vertical challenge. Some children raced each other to do the vertical challenge and they practised breaking their personal best. The most we had in the crate stacking was sixteen crates. The raft building really stretched their skills in … Read more

More photos from Day 3 Horstead Residential

May 24, 2023

This evening we had a campfire and drank Hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows. The children then had a talent contest and some children surprised us with how confident and funny they were. Another jam-packed fun day!

Horstead Residential Day 3

May 24, 2023

The sun shone brilliantly today! The activities for today were: Camp Cooking where the children made nettle, mint and hawthorn tea and made their own bread and butter over a fire. Climbing and the Zip Wire. It was good to see children pushing themselves each time to try again and climb a little further. Some children … Read more