All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to Mr Watson’s Year 6 class. We have a spacious classroom which we help to keep organised and we can break out into smaller groups whenever we need to. This is a year of opportunities and greater responsibility as you act as role models for the younger children in the school. We enjoy being play leaders on the playground at lunch times and getting to set up the hall for assemblies and special occasions. We have a wonderful calm corner, filled with bookcases full of beautiful and engaging stories written for all children and their varying interests.

For the Year 6s this is their last year at All Saints Stibbard and we are looking forward to what the future brings. Although there are some nerves about SATs, we understand that we just need to persevere and try our hardest.

Year 6 Bikeability

March 27, 2023

Last Wednesday, on a fine Spring day, Year 6 were taught skills in riding a bike safely. They all achieved their certificate and received a badge.

NSPCC Assembly and Activity

March 17, 2023

Recently we worked in our Key Stages to learn what the NSPCC do and how we can talk to trusted adults in our lives to help us ‘Speak Out’ when we need to. We then explored the NSPCC website, and KS1 thought of their ‘happy places’ and KS2 made fortune tellers containing information about the … Read more

Year 6 Bake Sale

March 8, 2023

Some Year 6 girls were so moved by the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria that they decided they wanted to run a bake sale to raise money to help the victims. We were so impressed by their enthusiasm, initiative and organisation. They designed posters to advertise the sale, wrote letters to parents asking for … Read more

Year 6 Crucial Crew Trip

March 6, 2023

Year 6 went to beautiful Letton Hall today for Crucial Crew, an interactive and fun learning afternoon around the emergency services. Children learned about water safety in seas and rivers; road, fire and online safety and CPR. The children were well behaved and fully engaged in all the activities. They were a pleasure to take … Read more

Year 6 World Book Day

March 2, 2023

Year 6 dressed up for World Book Day today. Some came as characters, some came as words like ‘green’ and ‘Mother Nature’. 

World Book Day Assembly

March 2, 2023

Year 6 led a World Book Day assembly as they shared their thoughts on reading. They talked about their favourite genres, that they borrow books from the public library or they buy books online and how they read to escape into different worlds and to ‘grow their mind’. Having lwritten their persuasive speeches last week, … Read more

Year 6 Persuasive Speeches

February 26, 2023

As the culmination of our work on plastic pollution last half term, Year 6 wrote persuasive speeches last week to Ms McConnell encouraging her to lead the school into becoming single-use plastic free. To inform their speeches, we have looked at the importance of reducing our use of single-use plastic, recycling and reusing plastic. In … Read more

Year 6 Poetry on Pollution

February 26, 2023

Year 6 wrote poetry about our polluted planet. These children did really well with their rhyming, metaphor,  word choice and persuasive tone. Well done!

Year 6 Playground Games

February 26, 2023

On Thursday last week John came in to teach playground games with the school. Year 6 did skipping games. We managed four children  skipping at once using the long rope. His other game was a bounce and catch game using hoops which the children enjoyed.

Year 6 Budding Bakers

February 22, 2023

Year 6 have begun cooking this term – Iraqi Sumoon bread using yeast. The first group cooked today. The other three groups were on a carousel of activities: one group researching bread around the world, one researching different types of flour and the last group investigating the history of bread making. The first group of … Read more