All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Collective Worship Easter Assemblies

This week we have been very lucky to watch two great Easter assemblies prepared for us to watch in the classrooms. Andy Jones from Raise Kids, a regular visitor in both schools and The Open the Book team made up of parishioners from The Heart of Norfolk churches. Everyone has really enjoyed watching them and learning about the true meaning of Easter. If you would like to watch them as a family please click on the links below. 

Father Michael visits Year 4

Year 4 welcomed Father Michael Cartwright to the class on Thursday. They had prepared many interesting questions to ask him. The questions ranged from asking which was his favourite hymn, had he got a favourite bible story to his favourite ice-cream flavour.

We found out that Father Mike had previously been a headteacher in Northamptonshire before deciding to become a priest. He was ordained in Peterborough Cathedral 36 years ago, however he admitted that Norwich Cathedral was perhaps his favourite one. We learnt that his favourite hymn is Angel Voices Ever Singing and he really likes the carol, The Calypso Carol.

We really enjoyed seeing him, he loves working with children and talking with them. Father Mike is the priest at Stibbard church as well as Foulsham Church.