All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Happy Christmas from Year 2!

Year 2 have worked especially hard this week with Mrs Scott and Mrs Donnelly, they decided as a team what they wanted everybody to know about the true meaning of Christmas, how they were going to perform their nativity, what actions they wanted to include and even the songs.

I must say I am exceptionally proud of every one of them this week as I have been for the whole term!

Mrs Howarth

Autumn term in Year 6 comes to an end

What a busy term we have had! Plenty of learning, adjusting to being back into school after a 5 month break and two sets of SATS practice.

As a Federation, this term, we have introduced a new approach to teaching English involving much shared and modelled writing and gathering of choice vocabulary. Year 6 report that they enjoy this new approach as they feel they have greater support to write. Certainly the exposure to deeper vocabulary is reflected in their writing.

This term some have faced personal challenges returning to school and it has not been an easy ride for some. Yet they have coped admirably and their friendship, their kindness and cooperation as a class has been very evident. I am very proud of them.

Over the holidays, please do encourage your child to keep reading, to play spelling games on EdShed and to practice their times tables on ttrockstars.

Their presentations were all their own work. I think you will agree that they have learned much this term.

I do wish you all a restful and healthy Christmas.

Year 5 have finished the week off wearing their Christmas jumpers.

During the week among other things children have been looking at Satelite images of glaciers and measuring the area of the glacier, comparing how this has changed over time. They have continued writing a non chronological report on Emperor penguins developing their language skills. We have also been doing a little bit of singing, although apparently the classroom feels like the South Pole with all our windows and doors open! 

All Saints Remembrance Day

The week commenced with a Flourish wide Federation collective worship led by Ms Jones where the children were introduced to the cenotaph in Whitehall. On Wednesday we came together for an act of remembrance again which was led by our amazing Year 6 the KS2 classes joined together, in a socially distanced manner, and listened to why we commemorate Remembrance Day. Year 6 led us in prayer and read the roll of honour of those who died in both World Wars from Stibbard. A massive thank you to Mrs Beardon and her class who read clearly so we could hear every word. Mrs Carlyle gave her thanks to everyone involved. 

We are so very proud of them all for the respect that they showed. 

Year 4 Reading Corner

Introducing the Year 4 Reading Corner. This is an area where the children can select books to read in school. There are many different and interesting books which allow the children to discover and further their knowledge. It is also an area which has our Achievement table. It is a place for two children who have showed Mrs B that they can work really hard, have produced amazing work which maybe is beyond their expectations or possibly children that show exceptional manners and a great attitude to learning are able to sit there for two days. They are rewarded with a certificate, a key ring and are displayed in our book, as well as outside on our display board to celebrate their achievements.

You will see a world map too. Here we add notes to show where in the world something has been mentioned in a story or a lesson.

Bishop of Norwich Pilgrimage

On Wednesday 15th July the Bishop of Norwich passed by our school as he walked a pilgrimage route from Norwich to Walsingham. He stopped off at many churches to pray for people who have been affected by recent times.

Mr V (Rev Varnon) had contacted Bishop Graham to see if he would be able to stop and talk with our two year 6 bubbles. The Bishop was very happy to do so. He came accompanied by Mr V and Rev Robin from Great Ryburgh.

Bishop Graham answered questions and also prayed for the staff and children at our school. With the Bishop the children and staff said The Lord’s Prayer.

Father Michael visits Year 4

Year 4 welcomed Father Michael Cartwright to the class on Thursday. They had prepared many interesting questions to ask him. The questions ranged from asking which was his favourite hymn, had he got a favourite bible story to his favourite ice-cream flavour.

We found out that Father Mike had previously been a headteacher in Northamptonshire before deciding to become a priest. He was ordained in Peterborough Cathedral 36 years ago, however he admitted that Norwich Cathedral was perhaps his favourite one. We learnt that his favourite hymn is Angel Voices Ever Singing and he really likes the carol, The Calypso Carol.

We really enjoyed seeing him, he loves working with children and talking with them. Father Mike is the priest at Stibbard church as well as Foulsham Church.