All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 1 Friday 5th March

Good Morning Year 1 – 1 HOME LEARNING DAY LEFT!
Please find and complete the four challenges.

Phonics – Challenge 1

Recapping the vowel sound ‘i’
Today you’re going to be reading and writing words the the vowel sound – /i/
Watch the video from Letters and Sounds.
Write three words from the video.
Come up with a sentence that includes one of those words.
If you’re feeling confident with your phonics: Record a book review of a story you are reading at the moment.
Blending challenge: Phonics Play Complete a Phase 3 or 4 game! (No longer than 20 minutes on the game please)
Login: Jan 21
Password: home

English – Challenge 2:

Writing your own instruction text
Use your plan to help you write on the template that was provided yesterday. Please take your time with your writing and make sure it is your best work.

Maths – Challenge 3:

Solving division problems when sharing
Follow the Oak Academy video.
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Either use the worksheet or a physical object.
Spicy Challenge: To extend your learning find and play a maths game on TopMarks:

PE – Challenge 4:

Complete the Joe Wicks workout video by accessing the link below.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!
Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.

Year 1 Thursday 4th March

Good Morning Year 1 – 2 HOME LEARNING DAYS LEFT!
Please find and complete the four challenges.

Phonics – Challenge 1

Recapping the digraph ‘o’
Today you’re going to be reading and writing words the the digraph sound – /o/
Watch the video from Letters and Sounds.
Write three words from the video.
Come up with a sentence that includes one of those words.
If you’re feeling confident with your phonics: Record a book review of a story you are reading at the moment.
Blending challenge: Phonics Play Complete a Phase 3 or 4 game! (No longer than 20 minutes on the game please)
Login: Jan 21
Password: home

English – Challenge 2:

Planning your own instruction text
Choose your own instruction text from the templates that you would like to write about.
Plan what you think would be the routine to completing the task.
Plan what items someone would need before following the instructions.

Maths – Challenge 3:

Using the division symbol when grouping
Follow the Oak Academy video.
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Either use the worksheet or a physical object.
Spicy Challenge: To extend your learning find and play a maths game on TopMarks:

Science – Challenge 4:

Features of a plant
To identify features of a plant – Please find the Powerpoint and the template on the final slide.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!
Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.

Year 1 Wednesday 3rd March

Good Morning Year 1 – 3 HOME LEARNING DAYS LEFT!
Please find and complete the four challenges.

Phonics – Challenge 1

Recapping the vowel sound ‘a’
Today you’re going to be reading and writing words the vowel sound – /a/
Watch the video from Letters and Sounds.
Write three words from the video.
Come up with a sentence that includes one of those words.
If you’re feeling confident with your phonics: Describe a character in a book you have been reading.
Blending challenge: Phonics Play Complete a Phase 3 or 4 game! (No longer than 20 minutes on the game please)
Login: Jan 21
Password: home

English – Challenge 2:

Exploring instruction texts
Bossy verbs!
Can you think of bossy words to start some sentences?
Take a look at the sentences from the powerpoint – slide 5.

Maths – Challenge 3:

Using the division symbol when sharing
Follow the Oak Academy video.
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Either use the worksheet or a physical object.
Spicy Challenge: To extend your learning find and play a maths game on TopMarks:

Well being Wednesday – Challenge 4:

Well being wednesday
Please complete one of the Well being challenges set by Mrs Cairns and send in your work via seesaw.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!
Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.

Year 1 Tuesday 2nd March

Good Morning Year 1 – 4 HOME LEARNING DAYS LEFT!
Please find and complete the four challenges.

Phonics – Challenge 1

Recapping the vowel sound ‘u’
Today you’re going to be reading and writing words the the vowel sound – /u/
Watch the video from Letters and Sounds.
Write three words from the video.
Come up with a sentence that includes one of those words.
If you’re feeling confident with your phonics: Record a book review of a story you are reading at the moment.
Blending challenge: Phonics Play Complete a Phase 3 or 4 game! (No longer than 20 minutes on the game please)
Login: Jan 21
Password: home

English – Challenge 2:

Exploring instruction texts
Bossy verbs!
Today you will be finding out about something called bossy verbs. Take a look at the video based on bossy verbs then find the example text on the powerpoint.
I would like you to highlight the bossy words in a piece of instruction text.

Maths – Challenge 3:

Identifying that multiplication is commutative
Follow the Oak Academy video.
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Either use the worksheet or a physical object.
Spicy Challenge: To extend your learning find and play a maths game on TopMarks:

Geography – Challenge 4:

What can you find in the United Kingdom?
Watch and follow the Oak academy video from the link below. Follow their challenges and try your best to be independent and brave in your work.
Once you’re finished please complete the quiz.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!
Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.

Year 1 Monday 1st March

Good Morning Year 1 – 1 WEEK LEFT!
Please find and complete the four challenges.

Phonics – Challenge 1

Recapping the digraph ‘ue’
Today you’re going to be reading and writing words the the digraph sound – /ue/
Watch the video from Letters and Sounds.
Write three words from the video.
Come up with a sentence that includes one of those words.
If you’re feeling confident with your phonics: Record a book review of a story you are reading at the moment.
Blending challenge: Phonics Play Complete a Phase 3 or 4 game! (No longer than 20 minutes on the game please)
Login: Jan 21
Password: home

English – Challenge 2:

Key features of an instruction text
Please find and explore the model text on the Powerpoint and highlight or label the different sections of an instruction text.
-Title – what are you doing/making
-What will i need section
-Bullet points and numbers

Maths – Challenge 3:

Using the multiplication symbol
Follow the Oak Academy video.
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Either use the worksheet or a physical object.
Spicy Challenge: To extend your learning find and play a maths game on TopMarks:

Art – Challenge 4:

Mrs Cairns Art Challenge
Please find the video from Mrs Cairns and try to complete the challenges.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!
Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.

Year 1 Friday 26th February

Good Morning Year 1!
Please find complete the four challenges and send a photo to Seesaw.

Phonics – Challenge 1:

Recapping the digraph ‘ie’
Today you’re going to be reading and writing words the the digraph sound – /ie/
Watch the video from Letters and Sounds.
Write three words from the video.
Come up with a sentence that includes one of those words.
If you’re feeling confident with your phonics: Record a book review of a story you are reading at the moment.
Handwriting challenge: Complete a line of the letter ‘z,Z’ both lowercase and Capital. Then think of two words with this letter at the start.
To help you write the lowercase ‘Z’ please say the phrase – “zig, zag, zig”.
Blending challenge: Phonics Play Complete a Phase 3 or 4 game! (No longer than 20 minutes on the game please)
Login: Jan 21
Password: home

English – Challenge 2:

Instructions for Brushing your teeth
Record yourself telling someone in your house how to brush their teeth, remember to think of as many steps as you can remember and also think about the order of your instructions.

We will do some learning next week all about instructions, then we will have another go at giving instructions to see if you explain your instructions any differently.

Maths – Challenge 3:

To develop understanding of halves and quarters of quantities
Follow the Oak Academy video.
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Either use the worksheet or a physical object.
Spicy Challenge: To extend your learning find and play a maths game on TopMarks:

PE – Challenge 4:

Cosmic Yoga – Moana
Please find the link and follow the yoga video to complete today’s PE challenge.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!
Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.

Year 1 Thursday 25th February

Good Morning Year 1!
Please find complete the four challenges and send a photo to Seesaw.

Phonics – Challenge 1:

Recapping the digraph ‘ir’
Today you’re going to be reading and writing words the the digraph sound – /ir/
Watch the video from Letters and Sounds.
Write three words from the video.
Come up with a sentence that includes one of those words.
Handwriting challenge: Complete a line of the letter ‘y,Y’ both lowercase and Capital. Then think of two words with this letter at the start.
To help you write the lowercase ‘y’ please say the phrase – “down the horn, up the horn then under the head”.
Blending challenge: Phonics Play Complete a Phase 3 or 4 game! (No longer than 20 minutes on the game please)
Login: Jan 21
Password: home

English – Challenge 2:

Exploring instructions – What do we have instructions for? Record yourself explaining what instructions are. What could we use instructions for? What do instructions help us to do? Can you find some instructions in your house?

Maths – Challenge 3:

To explore arrays (part 2)
Follow the Oak Academy video.
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Either use the worksheet or a physical object.
Spicy Challenge: To extend your learning find and play a maths game on TopMarks:

PSHE – Challenge 4:

It’s okay not to be okay – Feeling good.
Please follow the Oak Academy video to explore today’s PSHE lesson.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!
Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.

Year 1 Wednesday 24th February

Good Morning Year 1!
Please find complete the four challenges and send a photo to Seesaw.

Phonics – Challenge 1:

Recapping the digraph ‘oy’
Today you’re going to be reading and writing words the the digraph sound – /oy/
Watch the video from Letters and Sounds.
Write three words from the video.
Come up with a sentence that includes one of those words.
Handwriting challenge: Complete a line of the letter ‘w,W’ both lowercase and Capital. Then think of two words with this letter at the start.
To help you write the lowercase ‘w’ please say the phrase – “down, up, down, up”.
Blending challenge: Phonics Play Complete a Phase 3 or 4 game! (No longer than 20 minutes on the game please)
Login: Jan 21
Password: home

English – Challenge 2:

Exploring the book – It starts with a seed by Laura Knowles
Please take some time to watch the video of the book being read –

Challenge – write one fact that you’ve found out from the book.
Remember a fact is a piece of writing that tells us information that is true.

Maths – Challenge 3:

To explore arrays (part 1)
Follow the Oak Academy video.
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Either use the worksheet or a physical object.
Spicy Challenge: To extend your learning find and play a maths game on TopMarks:

Well being Wednesday- Challenge 4:

Please complete one of the Well being challenges set by Mrs Cairns and send in your work via seesaw.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!
Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.

Year 1 Tuesday 23rd February

Good Morning Year 1!
Please find complete the four challenges and send a photo to Seesaw.

Phonics – Challenge 1:

Recapping the digraph ‘ou’
Today you’re going to be reading and writing words the the digraph sound – /ou/
Watch the video from Letters and Sounds.
Write three words from the video.
Come up with a sentence that includes one of those words.
Handwriting challenge: Complete a line of the letter ‘v,V’ both lowercase and Capital. Then think of two words with this letter at the start.
To help you write the lowercase ‘v’ please say the phrase – “down a wing, up a wing”.
Blending challenge: Phonics Play Complete a Phase 3 or 4 game! (No longer than 20 minutes on the game please)
Login: Jan 21
Password: home

English – Challenge 2:

Exploring the book – It starts with a seed by Laura Knowles
Please take some time to watch the video of the book being read –

Choose a flower or tree in your garden or in your local area and write a sentence explaining some of the features it has.

Maths – Challenge 3:

To share a total equally between a set number of groups (Part 2)
Follow the Oak Academy video.
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Either use the worksheet or a physical object.
Spicy Challenge: To extend your learning find and play a maths game on TopMarks:

Geography- Challenge 4:

What is the United Kingdom?
At the end of the last unit we explored the difference between our own towns/villages and cities. Our next unit focuses on identifying the United Kingdom and exploring London.
For this task you need a pencil and your exercise book. Your task will be to draw the United Kingdom and Label the countries.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!
Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.