All Saints CEVA
Primary School & Nursery


Year 1 Friday 8th January

Good Morning Year 1!
Happy Friday everyone! As usual, you have four challenges to complete today – Please find the Powerpoint on our classes webpage or Seesaw to support you with your learning.

Phonics – Challenge 1:
Watch the Letters and sound video and write down some words that include the sound.
You will be exploring the sound ‘o’ – you will find out that you can pronounce the sound with a single phoneme, digraph (2 letters 1 sound) or a split digraph (a sound which has two letters but it is split up by another sound).
Watch the video.
Write down three different words which include the sound.
Write your own sentence using at least one word that includes the sound.

English – Challenge 2:
Create a wanted poster for the Big Bad Wolf.
Look back to your work yesterday and familiarise yourself with the descriptive language you used for the big bad wolf.
Find the Wanted template (or create your own) and write a few sentences that describe the Wolf. Then a few sentences to explain what he has done.
Draw the big bad wolf so other people who find your poster know who he is.
Top Writing Tips: Sit your words on the line, remember your finger spaces, capital letters and finally your full stop.
Spicy Challenge: Use the word ‘because’ to explain your idea further.

Maths – Challenge 3:
Comparing numbers
In today’s lesson we will be taking all the things that you have been learning throughout the week to help us to complete some word problems.
Follow the Oak Academy video
Find the resources on the powerpoint.
Try your best to workout the answer. (You may need an adult to help you read the question).

PE – Challenge 4:
Complete a home workout from Joe Wicks or create your own obstacle course and time yourself to see how fast you can complete it.
(I have linked the first video from the last lockdown – if you did this last time you can explore a channel called cosmic yoga)

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!

Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.

Year 1 Thursday 7th January

Good Morning Year 1!

It’s nearly the weekend! Like usual, you have four challenges to complete today – Please find the Powerpoint to support you with your learning.

Phonics – Challenge 1:
Watch the Letters and sound video and write down some words that include the sound.
Spicy challenge: Make a sentence with one of the words you have come up with.

English – Challenge 2:
Create a descriptive mind map about the Big Bad Wolf
Draw the Big Bad Wolf in the middle of your page and then create a mind map with different words and phrases that describe the wolf.
Ideas to help you – Think about all the different features the Big Bad Wolf has. Think about all the mischievous things The Big Bad Wolf does.
Top Writing Tips: Sit your words on the line, remember your finger spaces, capital letters and finally your full stop.
Spicy Challenge: Use your mind map to write a few sentences that describe the Big Bad Wolf.

Maths – Challenge 2:
Exploring numbers with a difference of one or two on a number line
Find a number on a number line then either add or subtract by 1 or 2. Complete 10 different calculations.

Science – Challenge 3:
Exploring Animals
Research facts about one of the three animals on the powerpoint. Please find an interesting fact or two facts about your chosen animal and write a sentence explaining it.
Spicy Challenge: If you are feeling brave research two of the animals and think about the difference between the animals.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!

Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.

Year 1 Wednesday 6th January

Happy Wednesday Year 1!

You have four challenges to complete today – Please find the Powerpoint to support you with your learning. If you are accessing this through Seesaw some of the links may not work. If that’s the case, pop onto the school website and you will be able to access the links through there.

Phonics – Challenge 1:
Watch the Letters and sound video and write down some words that include the sound.
Spicy challenge: Make a sentence with one of the words you have come up with.

English – Challenge 2:
Write a character profile for Little Red Riding Hood.
Write at least 3 things that describe Little Red Riding Hood.
If this is a little tricky, draw Little Red Riding Hood and label your picture.
Ideas to help you – Think about what Little Red Riding Hood is wearing, Think about where she was going.
Top Writing Tips: Sit your words on the line, remember your finger spaces, capital letters and finally your full stop.
Spicy Challenge: Use the word ‘because’ also try and write three sentences that all contain a capital letter, finger space and full stop.

Maths – Challenge 2:
Comparing two sets by finding the difference
Use the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to compare different groups. Then attempt to count on from the fewest group to find out the difference.
Spicy Challenge: Use a number line to count on the difference between the two groups.

History- Challenge 3:
Chronology, what does it mean?
Write a list of the things that you have done today in order.
Draw them as well next to the word.
Top Tip: Retrace your steps.
Writing TopTip: Write numbers beside your words so you can remember what happened first, then second etc.

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!

Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

If you are having any difficulties accessing or completing today’s challenges, please complete a task from the original home learning pack in your green book or send a picture to me via Seesaw.

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work.
2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.
3. Please contact the school if you need any help.
4. Have Fun.

Year 1 – Tuesday 5th January

Good Morning Year 1!

You have four challenges to complete today – Please find the Powerpoint to support you with your learning. If you are accessing this through Seesaw some of the links may not work. If thats the case, pop onto the school website and access it through there. 

Phonics – Challenge 1:

Watch the Letters and sound video and practice some words that include the new sound.  Spicy challenge: Make a sentence with one of the words you have come up with.

English – Challenge 2:

Write a recount of your Christmas day.  Ideas to help you – Think about your favourite part of the day and What did you have for your Christmas Lunch?  Top Writing Tips: Sit your words on the line, remember your finger spaces, capital letters and finally your full stop. Spicy Challenge: Use the word ‘because’ to extend your sentence and the idea that you’re writing about.’

Maths – Challenge 2:

Comparing sets Use the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to compare different groups. Spicy Challenge: Count and write what groups have more and what groups have fewer.

PSHE – Challenge 3:  Why am I unique?  Design and create a jigsaw piece as to why you are special. When we are back in class we will put the jigsaw pieces together and make one big picture as to why each of us is unique. 

There is a jigsaw template on the powerpoint.

If you don’t have a printer, do not worry! Use a whole page in your green book and we can cut it out when we get back into school.  

I can’t wait to see all your wonderful work!

Mr Arter and the rest of the Year 1 team.

If you are having any difficulties accessing or completing today’s challenges, please complete a task from the original home learning pack in your green book or send a picture to me via Seesaw. 

Daily reminders:
1. Please add the date to the top of your page when you start any work. 

2. Please take pictures and post it on See Saw so I can see the wonderful work.

3. Please contact the school if you need any help.

4. Have Fun.

Year 4 Remote Learning January 2021

Dear Parents, Happy New Year! 

Year 4’s main access to learning is through Google Classroom. All children know how to access this as we did so in the class last term. They need to write out their full email address  and remember to include with their first part of the address. The next stage is remembering their passwords – everyone was able to do this before Christmas, however if anyone has forgotten please contact the school office as they have a copy of these, just in case. 

Year 4 will need to be accessing Google Classroom / Google MEET at 9am, 11am and 2.30pm each day. In the afternoon they will have a story and an assembly. The morning sessions will be the core subjects plus talking about an afternoon activity. You have been emailed the class code for Google MEET earlier today. 

Reading: Please encourage your child to continue reading each day, I will be asking them to share their reading with each other during the week. 

I will set up a topic area for parents in the Google Classroom. This is where you can write any questions for me, leave encouraging messages for each other – share positivity. 

When we are on Google MEET I do like to know that you are there too, you don’t need to be there all the time but it just let me know that you are nearby and aware of what is going on. A simple wave and hello is fine. 

Critical care worker children: Please can they take in their own headphones to use on the chrome books so they are able to join in for the online sessions. 

Please feel able to contact me through the office. My school email is for the children. 

Best Wishes
Clare Budgett

Year 1 Remote Learning January 2021

Dear Year 1 Parents/Carers,

Firstly, I wish you all a Happy New Year!

All of the Teachers at Stibbard All Saints appreciate that this is a difficult time for you and your children. We also understand that lots of you will have to juggle home learning as well as your own working lives. 

At the end of the first Half Term your child was sent home with a green book and a booklet that has a range of home learning ideas just in case we had to move onto online learning – the time has now come.

I know some of you have used the booklet within the Green book already, therefore, I will update the website and Seesaw with daily tasks. 

What will you expect everyday?

Each morning I will update the school website and send you the same message via SeeSaw with 4 separate challenges for your children to complete. Please complete these challenges in the green book. If they cannot be completed in the green book then please take a picture and post it on SeeSaw. (Your logins are available inside the green book that was sent home with your child). Phonics challenge – Revisiting sounds we have already learnt.

English challenge- Each day there will be a writing task.

Maths challenge- Each day there will be a maths task.

Wider Curriculum challenge- Each day there will be a challenge related to either, History, Science, Geography, Art and Design, PE or Music. 

Alongside this, I ask that you read as much as possible with your children and continually practice your handwriting.

I must stress that although I am setting this work I do appreciate that lots of you have to work whilst homeschooling. Therefore, complete as much as possible. 

I will aim to contact you during the week to make sure that your child is able to access the work and if there is anything else I can do to support you during this time.

Mr Arter

Year 6 Remote Learning

In the event of another lockdown and children need to stay at home, below is an outline of 2 weeks planning for Year 6  to complete remotely. Packs have been sent home with children, including further information for the activities where needed. Where written work is produced this is to be in the exercise books provided. It will be expected that children complete Maths and English lessons daily plus a foundation subject, totalling around 3 hours work time every day. The foundation subject lessons can be done on any day. 

Should your child be in isolation and their class bubble still be attending school, work will be posted on the school website on the class page and on Google classroom.
